The Power of Living a Good Story: Setting

We are beginning our unit on Story by exploring the element of setting.  Today we will watch a number of clips from Karate Kid as one example of how setting can impact a character.

You will respond to the clips on two padlets.  First, write your responses on Microsoft Word.  Then, copy and paste your answer onto the padlet.

Padlet #1: Describe the setting of Karate Kid using at least three descriptors.

Padlet #2: How does living in China changed Dre as a person?  Give at least two ways.

Thanksgiving Wordles

Step 1: Using Microsoft Word, create a list poem with at least 20 things you are thankful for!  In your list of (AT LEAST) 20 words, you need to have a minimum of 5 DEEP zone words.

In the shallow zone, words come quickly to our mind and they are usually something you can see, like “chocolate” or “big brothers” or “football”!  Deep zone words might be emotions, or values.  Most usually, we can’t actually “see” these words as physical objects.  Some examples include “hope”, or “forgiveness”.

Step 2: Copy and paste your list poem into Wordle.  *You need to use Internet Explorer to run Wordle.  Explore the various settings to make your word cloud your own!

Step 3:


-Have I included at least 20 words altogether?

-Have I used at least 5 deep zone words?

-Have I used interesting, descriptive words?

-Have I checked for correct spelling?