Kind Words…

This week’s precept from Mother Teresa is:

“Kind words are short easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.”

Let’s make some echoes for those who have been so good to us in the last week!  Our first echo of kindness will be for the staff of the Nature Conservancy Center.  Add your thoughts of gratitude on this padlet.

Our second echo of kindness will be for Maurice and Troy, our amazing photographers.  Go to this padlet to add your thoughts.

You can use these starters to help you express yourself:

“What I will remember most about the day was….”

“I really appreciated how…”

“I learned that…”

Before posting, check:

-Have I written a complete sentence?

-Have I used correct capitalization and punctuation (commas, periods, exclamation marks)?

-Have I added a SPECIFIC idea to the padlet?

-Have I used SIMPLE or DESCRIPTIVE words?